Unlock Unlimited Reports Instantly

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Today's Special Offer.

UNLIMITED Phone Number Lookups Included
U.S.- Based Customer Support Included
Private and Secure Report Access Included
Easy Cancellation. Anytime. Included

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the billing work?

*Billing Details: If you do not cancel during your 5-day trial, your full membership will begin and you will be charged $35.30. Your membership will automatically renew every 30 days unless you cancel before the start of the next term. Intelius will charge the recurring membership fee of $35.30 to the same payment option you use today until you cancel. To cancel your subscription, call (888) 245-1655 between the hours of 7am and 4pm Pacific Monday - Friday (except holidays) or log in to your account dashboard to cancel online any time.

Why isn't this free?

Unfortunately, we have to pay for the information we provide. Free reports would put us out of business.

What comes in my report?

Intelius Phone Report contains, where available, the phone owner’s full name, ownership history, email address, additional phone numbers, and address history. It may also reveal social media profiles.

How is my report delivered?

After signing up, you can instantly view your report online. You will also have the option to download and print!

Did You Know?

Intelius gets data from sources that are UPDATED DAILY. Other services may only receive updates once a month or less. Activate your account NOW to get the up-to-date information from our advanced sources!

How often is this data updated?

Intelius gets data from sources that are UPDATED DAILY. Other services may only receive updates once a month or less. Activate your account NOW to get the up-to-date information from our advanced sources!

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Security Is Our Top Priority

This website utilizes some of the most advanced techniques to protect your information and ensure your transaction is secure.

256-bit Encrypted Connection 256-bit
Encrypted Connection



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